Maximum Ride Unofficial Community

Protect the flock! From JP and Hachette!

Besides posting on here and replying to this thread. Original credit for this goes back to Fate and Nathan on MX.

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You're not allowed to.
*nods* 'Kay. I'll try.
Wow. I got on the computer just in time.

I love it. This is the only story here I've ever followed while it was being written. *must read more ASAP*
I would say I wish I was in it, but then I'd be scared to die right after being introduced... and I would look so shy and quiet next to the rest of you guys. XD I couldn't pull off the "party girl" thing in a million years.
irl I am much, much more boring than my character and holy hell I never thought I'd say that
*is, definitely*
*is kind of afraid of drinking, IRL*
:D Awesome!!
I'm so different IRL from what I'm like here... I don't talk much and everyone thinks I'm some weirdo shy and quiet girl who can't wear anything other than jeans, guys' t-shirts, and black nail polish.
Dammit, cliffhanger v.v

Well-written as usual and made me go all ;_; for your character.

I want more. >.>
You are such a fast writer. *feels old and decrepit and oh dammit I haven't even thought about RC in ages*
I always write in class >.> Early RC's Monday-Wednesday-Friday schedule was really damn fast for me... although last NaNo I did write a 25000-word fic in about five days.
With NaNo goin' on I might be able to get back up to ficwriting speed again. I look forward to it >:E And yeah, motivation was key.


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