There's nothing wrong with you. Scary and/or weird dreams happen to everyone. And I was in a bad mood when I showed up here yesterday, so it's all good.
I accidentally killed everyone on the planet in a nightmare last night. OK, so it was via pissing off a space octopus that lived in the planet's core...
o.O I think that may rival a few of my weirdest dreams... and that's saying something.
One of those consisted of trying to find Captain Jack Sparrow in Wal-Mart on a 4-wheeler after flooding the garden section to the ceiling with the sprinklers. I eventually found him in the pharmacy section because he'd gotten lost after my brother took him to see the Star Wars action figures.
Riding on 4-wheelers in Wal-Mart is fun... especially after some cute guy gave it to me as the sprinklers poured on our heads in the garden section...
It was a scaryass dream, yo. I was in a spaceship trying to achieve escape velocity to get away from something, but space octopus wouldn't have none of that shit, so it grabbed our ship and... turned everyone on the planet into, like, green powdery stuff. Horrifying.
On Saturday night I had one that involved trying to escape from a School-like secret laboratory in Fuckety Nowhere, The Goddamned Desert. With my dad.
I woke up while we were still trying to find his Prius in the huge-ass parking lot...
I've done that too. v.v The creepiest one was the end of the world. A tidal wave crashed onto my head in NYC and I woke up immediately all sweaty and breathing hard.