Maximum Ride Unofficial Community

Protect the flock! From JP and Hachette!

Besides posting on here and replying to this thread. Original credit for this goes back to Fate and Nathan on MX.

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*has always been terrible at pulling teeth, or really anything unpleasant and bloody* And we were at the dentist anyway...

*would have rather put up with the nuisance*
brb, dinner. ._. Yes, even I gotta eat.
Ahh, Nathan!

*finished reading*

*luffles Marian*
Back. Soup. Warm. Nom.

Marian's pretty rad, but I do have a soft spot for Roland :3
XD They're both great.
I swear to God, Roland is much less of a dumb blond next chapter ._. He's a total airhead this chapter, ahaha.

You're awesome. :D
._. That's pretty impressive, yeah. *goes nowhere without her keys*

I've never picked a lock >.>
Picking locks is effing hard, just so 'ya know.....
My sister can pick the lock on my door with a twisted-up wire coathanger... >.<'
*may or may not own a lock pick kit* *coughs*

Interior locks are easy. It's the exterior ones that are freaking impossible....
I chain mine to my belt loop. 'S why I bought a handcuff keychain.

*takes notes*


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