Maximum Ride Unofficial Community

Protect the flock! From JP and Hachette!

Besides posting on here and replying to this thread. Original credit for this goes back to Fate and Nathan on MX.

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In the noir fic they're not already together, see... Jeb is the "detective" role, and Roland the "random hot chick" role. Which gives them a license to flirt back and forth outrageously.
Have you read up to chapter 3? I'm working on 4 right now, and in this one they get some flirting action on. Before that the most that really happens is that Roland rather insistently picks up the tab for their lunch date.

This chapter they go out to dinner :3
Rawk \o/ Roland doesn't even show until chapter 2. He's the best.

Also, what's going on right now: snark battle about Roland's alleged car.
o.o I'm gonna die?
Ahh! I don't want to die yet!
Not Fishy.

It's a face. . .
Just had to make sure.
She secretly wants you to kill me. She couldn't hide her smiley emoticon under the strikethrough, apparently.
Naw, I don't want you to die, Fishy. . . yet.
Uh huh. Of course you don't.


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