My brother just asked me what hentai was. I spent five minutes being all: O.O wherethehelldidyouhearthat?
Only to find out, after he explained, that he meant "henna." Like the all-natural temporary tattoo stuff. He just pronounced it wrong.*sighs*
"-- the kind of tie meant to fasten wrists to bedposts, and where had that thought come from?"
I laughed so hard at that line, it took me a couple minutes to be able to read again, and my dad and brother happened to walk by my room, see me, stop and stare, and ask what was funny. Which was "I'm reading fanfiction, okay? Don't judge me. >.>"
That is one of my hands-down favorite lines so far... well, excluding the bit about Delmonico's, and the "Ya stupid Kraut" line, which goes so far over the top that it makes me laugh.