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Protect the flock! From JP and Hachette!

Besides posting on here and replying to this thread. Original credit for this goes back to Fate and Nathan on MX.

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I hate my French teacher. Hate her. *murders*

I was just happily working on my French project for the fourth hour in a row, when I re-read the instructions. There is a long bullet list labeled "things you may want to mention" with several points to talk about in the essay or powerpoint. I included most of them. Some of them are extremely complicated to translate and would take forever to explain. Some of them were things that I never actually experienced, so I can't very well give my personal opinion on it.

Then, I looked at the bottom of the page.
"Comprennent tout ce dont énumérés ou risque d'échouer!"
Fuck you, Mlle.B.

*is done complaining for now* *apologizes*
Basically, it says to include everything listed or fail.
"Include everything listed or face the risks!"

Or something along the lines.


Makes my French teacher who has some weird obsession with no pencil lines seem great.

Edit: Never mind, Fishy beat me. >.>
XD The last part is "risk failure."

*nods* I adored my old French teacher.... she was a little neurotic, but I'm pretty sure that's a pre-requisite for the position.

*goes off to read*
I haven't shown up since chapter three or so. . .
Now I get my own chapter completely dedicated to me? ^^

At least I'm not the killer but. . . . . . *doesn't want to die* *didn't technically die in this chapter, but. . .*
Stupid cliffhanger.

At least if I'm dead, there won't be any fluff including me, though.

Why'd you write a cliffhanger like that, you evil person. >.<'
O.O She.... died? *dies*

Oh, and a few things.

1) Why do I know where Lamp keeps her crap?
2) I totally thought there would be a dead body behind that panel. Just saying.
1) Even at that, she wouldn't tell me anything, and I'm not THAT creepy.
2) XD Yes. With "The panel slides off down there and..." I paused, and thought, "Okay, either she killed someone and they're behind the panel, or somebody killed her and shoved her behind the panel."
1) Eh, probably. *is, actually, that creepy, sometimes*
2) Yeah.... *was just a little off while reading it, probably*
Don't go through my computer!

Fate - I actually made a panel type-thing in the back of my closet. . . . .and I did keep important stuff there. . . . .
*is really paranoid now*

*is deciding to move everything*
How the hell do you think I feel?

*is going to . . .. find somewhere else to put everything?*
Darn it. . . . >.<'

*now feels like I must rearrange my entire room to get a new hiding place for important stuff* >.>


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