You think these are "interesting"? Dude, you should see the dreams I have involving only RL people. *doesn't dream much* *has very, very bizarre dreams when I do*
I'm not the /only/ one, though.
Permalink Reply by Xuut on November 9, 2009 at 5:18am
That is an awesome dream.
But awesome.
-Wonders how many people you really CAN cram into a photo booth-
A normal sized photobooth..... still getting a part of everyones' faces into the frame? Seven. Just shoving as many people as possible in there? Thirteen. But oh my gosh it's uncomfortable....
My to-do list:
- create a presentation/handout/essay about Colombia.
- research for English paper
- put together an interview you guys can answer as part of my paper
- I have a speech to write/prep
- shave my legs
- practice music
- find food
I finished the research for my project!! That is, assuming I haven't written anything twice without knowing it since I'm missing half of my research...
Now all I have to do is write an I-Search paper about it. *sigh* <.>
Whoa. It's 1:25 and I'm still in my pajamas. And I haven't taken a shower. Guess I'll wait until tonight for that.