Maximum Ride Unofficial Community

Protect the flock! From JP and Hachette!

Besides posting on here and replying to this thread. Original credit for this goes back to Fate and Nathan on MX.

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And I know I'm not going to do 1/2 of my hw tomorrow morning, I won't get to NaNo unless I end up getting to the write in, and. . . . . at this point that looks highly unlikely.
XD At the write-in I went to, after about 45 minutes I was like, "okay, time for Facebook" and 3/4 of the people there followed suit. We didn't get much accomplished....

Don't screw up your GPA. Not being hypocritical, just..... I already have. And it sucks. So... try to actually do your homework? Just a suggestion.
I did, but. . . .
I'm getting to the point where I'm going to have to turn off the wireless connections and only turn them back on after hw, though. My grades. .. I'm not sure if I'll be able to bring them up which means I can't get to a good college, or become an archaeologist, or dang, do anything I really wanted to do.
*sees your point*
Yeah, I'm pretty much in the same mindset.... But you can still bring them up, and get into a good college, and do all that. I, technically, might be able to. Not the college I want to go to, but.... something decent, if I actually start doing the work. You don't want to be stuck with limited options. And... if you actually listen to me on this one, I know you'll be online a lot less, which makes it hard for me to say, but I don't want you to screw up everything just to be here.

I've tried just going on chat, but then I get distracted.

*might just try killing the router for a few hours a night*

*knows I won't actually end up doing this*
Will you remind me of this conversation when I log on tomorrow?
v.v Yeah. Y'know, I'm not happy about this either, we'll hardly ever see you now.
Yeah you will.

*couldn't go that that extreme of measures*
Just. . .it'll be tight once basketball season starts. . . . .really, really, really tight.
*could never just leave*

Just. . . don't do anything drastic, die, randomly leave, etc, without contacting me, and don't forget me, should worst come to worst and I'm not on for. . . 2? 3? months.

How are we meant to contact you if we die? And I don't think forgetting you is going to be an issue. More like, how to force Lamp to come online for an hour or so, at least once a month, from the other side of the world.
Well, if it's by your own hand you can contact me before you do anything too rash.

XD At the very least, I'll be online on weekends.
Watching Lara Croft kick everyone's ass.
Searching where I can download Maximum Ride and Kirameki Gingachou Shoutengai manga. Any one can tell me??
I got no idea, sorry.


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