Maximum Ride Unofficial Community

Protect the flock! From JP and Hachette!

Besides posting on here and replying to this thread. Original credit for this goes back to Fate and Nathan on MX.

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Hello there!
So I thought. *Sigh*
None of my friend know too.
Maximum Ride, there's a free preview drifting around that shows the first pages of the first volume. Other than that... I have a few pages scanned from the second.

The other one, check and
Nothing in onemanga and mangafox. I've already search in there.
Long time, no see.
How've you been?
Hallo, Lamp. Yeah, long time no see. I'm fine. You?
What the....

James Patterson get the hell out of my TV.

You`re on Simpsons, and now you`re ACTING for Castle? D:/body>
Oh God! There's more!!!!! I thought the Simpsons cameo was bad enough.

It was horrible, he gave out freaking WRITING advice. Writing advice man, you -- no just no.

And I was swearing at the TV when I saw him on Simpsons. Bloody little bugger.
He was on the Castle? o.O
Yes. On the first episode. Twas horrible. He was all, "WTF, why'd you kill your main character? I'd totally milk all the money out of Alex Cross!"

It was only for a minute or two but the damage is done.
Stop it and do your homework. Now.


This has been a friendly message from your neighbourhood nag.


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