She is, I think. Seems to be, anyway. It only lasted about 5 minutes. She's a girl. Girls get in PMSy fits over nothing. That's totally normal.
*answers rhetorical question* It doesn't. But if it made her laugh and get over her bitch fit, than I wouldn't worry about it.
Uh, you hear about a lot more than you should. (Like this, for example, I'm pretty sure you weren't supposed to know about this. I felt bad not telling you, and now I feel bad for telling you.)
*remembers when I used to be the person who would hear of things first*
*wonders what I did to abuse/lost that trust* *doubts I'll be able to regain it*
You haven't abused/lost anyone's trust..... In my case, you've just kept gaining more and more trust. Dunno about Miles, but he trusts you too. There are some things I hear, especially pertaining to this, mostly because I'm nosy and I'm the idiot who fucked this all up in the first place.
Okay, let's go back down the line a little bit.....
Me and Miles are both at fault, for sort of giving you the idea for the pairing way back when.
Your fault for shipping it.
My fault for telling Miles.
Miles' fault for telling Laura.
Laura's fault for being upset by it.
And don't talk to Laura or yell at Miles, please. >.<'
Remember, how you weren't supposed to hear about this? *doesn't need both of them to hate me*
She's not mad at Fate. Only you. She's not even mad at me, which makes me feel really horrible for accidentally making her mad at you, with nothing done to myself. >.<'
Yeah. I never actually talked to Laura, only Miles. She's mad at you for shipping MeganxMiles. I, obviously, don't ship it.
Miles' analogy was "what would you say, if your friend kept telling you that she thinks your boyfriend should date another girl?"
My response was "Well, I'd be like "*turns to boyfriend* You wanna date her? 'Cause if you do, that's fine, just tell me first, okay, lest things get awkward." But then, I'm a bad example of your average chick."
He thinks I'm too laid-back, and his response implied that I really suck at being a normal girl, just like everyone else says. Most girls are all "you didn't call me like you said you would!!" and I'm all *three weeks later* "Oh, I should give you my phone number, huh?"
*understood that*
*wanted to make sure it wasn't farther than that*
*was told she didn't mind us continuing to ship it, so long as we stopped slash pairings with Miles*