o.o If I turn out to need it I'd be very grateful. So far I'm doing okay with the German I know (not much at all), TV Tropes (for stereotypical Nazi!German), and Wiki (for ranks and stuff), but... if I need help, I'll ask you?
Cool >.> *will feel like a huge awkward geek* I have a little leeway, given that Jeb explicitly speaks very, very bad German... but given where the next half of the story is set...
Ally: hey is that midterm spanish project due monday?
Megan: We had a midterm project?
Ally: ya u didnt do it yet?
Megan: I don't even know what it is. Is it hard?
Ally: ya i worked on it for like 4hrs.
Megan: Holy shit, I have a lot to do this weekend too...
Megan: Wait. I'm not even in Spanish.
Ally: lol really? u forgot that u werent in spanish?