Maximum Ride Unofficial Community

Protect the flock! From JP and Hachette!

Besides posting on here and replying to this thread. Original credit for this goes back to Fate and Nathan on MX.

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I found a diary from when I was seven. I couldn't construct a proper sentence to save my life, but I had a more colorful vocabulary than any kid that age really should have. >.>
I had a hilariously strange vocabulary and a really odd syntax thing goin' on.
XD One that I remember from when I was around six involved wishing my brother would grow up and be a coal miner, because that, honest to God, was the worst thing I could think of.
Alright, alright, my turn. *grabs diary*

This one made me giggle: (spelling and grammar not corrected)

Today Jimmy saw a commersial on the news about 911 and he took the phone and called it. He's not very smart sometimes. Mom was asleep AGAIN on the couch again and she didnt know about it so that was good. But then they called back and she wouldn't wake up and dad had to come all the way home from work with two of his police friends and everyone was really mad. Stupid Jimmy.

Translation: We got a welfare check called on us because two kids called 911 with no adults around. Good times...
I wanted to work in a cubicle farm, or maybe be a paleontologist. And I was a pretty insufferable smartass.
One day, some kind of sciencey dude came to my second-grade classroom. (I was six.)

I argued with that dude about the names of the kingdoms. (Animalia, etc.)

God bless my six-year-old self.
One of my favorite books at the time was a college textbook on dinosaurs, immediately followed by Sherlock Holmes and The Hobbit.
I didn't really have friends until I was about eleven or so, so... I traded normal social life for awesome reading skillz.
My brother is having his friend over, and the friend was trying to explain to him what FanFiction is, and he had it all wrong so I had to jump in and correct him, and I think I confused the hell out of both of them with random analogies and terminology. Oh well.
XD Nice. My brother is a /b/tard who reads fanfic anyway, so we've never had to have any awkward discussions like that.
XD His friend's explanation was "....and these people who are like completely obsessed with something and they make up their own stories with the people and post them on the internet and they're always really bad."

...I had to correct that. Just had to. And they couldn't wrap their heads around the idea that "you can like the fandom without liking the actual book/movie/etc."
Ahahaha that's really quite a stupid way to put it, even if you don't like fanfic. For one thing, there are assloads of crazy fucks like me out there who write fanfic and put crazy amounts of effort into it, and y'know... our fic doesn't suck that hard.


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