Permalink Reply by Xuut on November 23, 2009 at 5:58am
I have helped three people do a bloody thesis statement for English. And it's driving me nuts. I still have tons of homework to do. And I can't say no. I feel very guilty afterwards and... I just can't do it. I can't tell people no.
The Sunday before the first semester last year, everyone had this huge paper due. I edited, 12 papers, for over 13 hours that day. . . even before getting a start on mine. >.>
Naw, I just like editing.
*is pretty good at it* Just, people are usually frustrated with me by the end of it, as I have a slight tendency to rip most things apart. Then they get an A, so it's all good, though.
I love editing. Last year, our class would pair up and we would edit each other's papers. My paper was handed back with no edits on it. The girl who's paper I ripped apart got a much higher grade than me.
My teacher did that earlier this year, except we had to get into groups of 4, and each paper had to have 3 signatures on it. This one guy, Ben.... I LOVE him. His edits were amazing.
Permalink Reply by Fate on November 23, 2009 at 8:24am
I still have to get my sister, Jess, and Megan (not Fishy) something for Christmas as well as my grandma, uncle, and cousin. I haven't the slightest idea what to get the latter. My grandma keeps saying she doesn't want anything, my uncle isn't here enough to ask, and I don't even know if my cousin is coming to Christmas.
On a side note: My sister found twenty bucks in the Wal Mart parking lot today. Lucky little... *mumbles* She claims she'll spend it on presents though, so at least there is that.