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Protect the flock! From JP and Hachette!

Besides posting on here and replying to this thread. Original credit for this goes back to Fate and Nathan on MX.

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Well, it did... I don't even know why, but we can't just be like "stop shipping it, it's not funny anymore."
Oh my god.

I feel like banging my head over and over again.

I wish I wasn't what kids in my class called, "smart."

I really do.
What happened?

I have helped three people do a bloody thesis statement for English. And it's driving me nuts. I still have tons of homework to do. And I can't say no. I feel very guilty afterwards and... I just can't do it. I can't tell people no.
*does that too*

The Sunday before the first semester last year, everyone had this huge paper due. I edited, 12 papers, for over 13 hours that day. . . even before getting a start on mine. >.>
O.o Holy crap. That's really nice.

Tis horrible.

I need to finish up mine... sometime. My teacher was right, for some people this is going to take six hours.
Naw, I just like editing.
*is pretty good at it* Just, people are usually frustrated with me by the end of it, as I have a slight tendency to rip most things apart. Then they get an A, so it's all good, though.

Good luck.
XD Ungrateful?

Ah, thanks. I'm getting it half done. Science project is going to be a bench though.
I love editing.
Last year, our class would pair up and we would edit each other's papers. My paper was handed back with no edits on it. The girl who's paper I ripped apart got a much higher grade than me.
My teachers tried that.

It didn't work out very well.
My teacher did that earlier this year, except we had to get into groups of 4, and each paper had to have 3 signatures on it. This one guy, Ben.... I LOVE him. His edits were amazing.
I still have to get my sister, Jess, and Megan (not Fishy) something for Christmas as well as my grandma, uncle, and cousin. I haven't the slightest idea what to get the latter. My grandma keeps saying she doesn't want anything, my uncle isn't here enough to ask, and I don't even know if my cousin is coming to Christmas.

On a side note: My sister found twenty bucks in the Wal Mart parking lot today. Lucky little... *mumbles* She claims she'll spend it on presents though, so at least there is that.


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