Permalink Reply by Luna on November 26, 2009 at 7:38am
Nah.. I'm pretty sure that's a bridge, right?
A back bend is when you're standing upright and go backwards by bending your back so that you end up in a bridge.
Permalink Reply by Luna on November 26, 2009 at 7:56am
^.^ Yeah, I miss gymnastics...
Wow, I wish I could do that stuff still. I could never do a back bend so I never got to move on to the next level, thus I never got to handsprings or walkovers. :(
The sad part is that all I needed to go to the next level was the back bend...
Permalink Reply by Luna on November 26, 2009 at 8:12am
They don't? I wonder why...Gymnastics would be such a fun class to have.
Permalink Reply by Xuut on November 26, 2009 at 8:17am
They don't have it at any of the community centers. I could look it up at some of the professional ones, but I kind of only wanted to do it for fun and not for competition. Plus they're really expensive.
Permalink Reply by Luna on November 26, 2009 at 8:26am
Yeah...Once you get into the older classes I think all the coaches want to do is try and get you into the Olympics... (which a girl at my school is actually shooting for)