Yes, but you guys can say words like "bloody" without looking completely idiotic. Some Americans try to say that to sound cool, and it sounds so wrong. And you can always tell, because they emphasize it like they're unsure about it.... it's painful, but funny.
Permalink Reply by Xuut on November 30, 2009 at 6:34am
-Is technically not American, but screw it, Canada is basically America only with a less violent history-
Actually I do say arse, instead of saying ass on occasions. Usually to avoid my parents/teachers giving me weird looks for swearing.
In Canada we really only have one accent, well people in Calgary slang their A's apparently, and people over in the East talk more... kind of more country like. But it's basically the same as the northern American accent.
BTW Ghetto people talk really weird and talk like the stereotype.
(I went to Quebec for a school trip, and we were supposed to be speaking French the whole time. Imagine speaking a language you're only sort-of fluent in with those accents. And Canadian French is so different from French French.)
Permalink Reply by Xuut on November 30, 2009 at 6:49am
O.o I feel sorry for you. I can only imagine the people who act tough and talk like illiterates.
(I know Canadian French is different... but how? -Doesn't /get/ it-
We're going to Quebec, well my class, and we're bunch of un-French-speaking idiots. We're technically supposed to speak all French but no one actually does, unless forced to.)
Permalink Reply by Xuut on November 30, 2009 at 6:46am
It's a crime whenever me or my older sister swear, but when my brother does it's okay. In school it's okay if you say something like crap or hell, but fuck isn't, tends to get you odd looks and a "don't say that again" look.
If we say the Brits swears (asides from bloody hell) my mom doesn't really care. Nor do the teachers.
Permalink Reply by Zapp on November 30, 2009 at 6:54am
My brother always says stuff like "You should join that gay (sigh) site and tell them all how stupid they are" and I'm always PSH I'm far too mature for THAT *shifty eyes*
Permalink Reply by Xuut on November 30, 2009 at 6:57am
XD Clever Patrick, very clever. And you don't tell them them they're stupid. Just that Twilight is horrible.
It's really funny because she's such a hypocrite for saying that. She claims to hate anime but hangs out on an anime based site. And she disses me for these forums. >.>