Maximum Ride Unofficial Community

Protect the flock! From JP and Hachette!

Besides posting on here and replying to this thread. Original credit for this goes back to Fate and Nathan on MX.

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Getting off for the night as well.

Goodnight Lamp.
I'm off as well. Goodnight Flying, and anyone else who's still on.
Night Fishy.
Goodnight, empty forum. I'm going to set up the Christmas Tree.
In engineering, watching Terminator, hoping I can go to lunch early. We have no superglue, so it's kinda hard for us to make bridges.
Well today was just a barrel of fun. The morning was fine. Then at lunch I usually go to my friend's house who is basically right beside me, she was sick today. So hoping maybe my house wasn't locked I went to check, it was. After trying to persuade my dog to open the latch I stepped in his poop.

Then I walked to my other friend's house which was ten minutes away. And to add to the fun it was pouring outside, so my jeans, shoes, and socks were soaked. You can only imagine the fun I had shivering in class.

And finally, the cherry on the sundae, I learned that I wasn't getting very good marks in Health. Luckily I can raise my mark by doing an assignment.

Watch the internet die on me while I'm doing it.

M'kay, I'm done my rant to no one in particular now.
Health was super easy for me >.>
-Super late, had fallen asleep-

Last year and every year before that it was super easy. But who knew attendance actually counted towards your grade? Plus we only have it once a week and I missed doing this huge assignment that I had no idea existed until today.
Twas stupid on my part, I think the teacher mentioned it but I was asleep. No one really takes Health seriously.

Then again, no one took Art seriously and we now no longer have art. -Cough- Totally not my fault.


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