Maximum Ride Unofficial Community

Protect the flock! From JP and Hachette!

Besides posting on here and replying to this thread. Original credit for this goes back to Fate and Nathan on MX.

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But dogs are so awesome! They're related to wolves!! ^.^
But cats are so awesome! They're related to lions and tigers and cheetahs and... you get the picture.

Besides, rabbits can be like this.

Those rabbits are kick ass, and the best part is they're real. :D
But wolves are epically awesome! *is slightly obcessed*
*Obsessed (sorry)

I have to agree with Xuut, while I like wolves, I think felines are better.
>.> But wolves are so... primitive.

Cats are so sophisticated. And evil.

And rabbits are cute and cuddly. And even eviler than the cats.
(Woops.. >.<'')

Exactly!! That's why I like wolves! They're primitive nature and the way they interact with each other. They're just so fascinating with the group dynamics and the like.

I have a cat and have had three rabbits. I still like wolves the best. ^.^
I thought wolves had a very complex social life?

And wolves never cheat with each other...

I just dislike dogs, evil little buggers. Wolves (unless they eat me) are okay.
They do. I meant I liked the way they interact with each other. >.<''

'Tis true. They mate for life...

Some dogs aren't evil... Like the dogs that help people! ^.^
They're also related to me... according to my sister.
Eh, they're apparently related to me too.

Although I don't think that's what my sister meant when she called me that...
Apparently, most of our mothers are dogs.
XD True. True.


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