Maximum Ride Unofficial Community

Protect the flock! From JP and Hachette!

Besides posting on here and replying to this thread. Original credit for this goes back to Fate and Nathan on MX.

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O.o You must have really warm buses, or never turn the heat on.
We have a drafty house :C It's mostly made of stone and part of it is undergound...
I am procrastinating studying for finals... I finally got all my history notes done, but I still have Bio, Geometry, English, and Spanish to study for. Bleh...
That sucks.

I only have a Math exam. =D


On the other hand, for my Graphic Design one, all I have to do is show up. But during the time, I get to design and print out a sticker! :D I am easily amused by stickers. XD
I just noticed the latest activity on the main page is kind of behind the actually latest activity at times. Time to harass the admin about it.
...Aww, shut up, you. (If you're talking about here.) I can't do a damn thing. Go bug Ning XD
Sitting in the dark with ice cream watching The X-Files.

Scared yet? That show used to scare me, but then I was nine or ten-ish.
Stupid me decided to watch "Darkness Falls" after dark and oh god there are random chewy bits in my ice cream.

Not so much scared as nauseous.
Is it supposed to be chewy? Better be careful it's not Listeria Flavour xD
For some reason TLC likes to show children with some strange defects...

I really didn't like those little kids who looked so creepy...


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