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Protect the flock! From JP and Hachette!

Besides posting on here and replying to this thread. Original credit for this goes back to Fate and Nathan on MX.

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I saw it on Macolm in the middle and was all, "OMFG I want my rabbit to do that!"

Then I remembered my rabbit is rather large and un-hamster like.

:D I want them to be friends. Then see if he tries to eat the hamsters.
Oh from what I can see they're normal hamster-like hamsters. I give them two weeks in my house before they crack like my bunny or my cat.

No, no, they can be friends! They're both almost part of the same animal family. Yes, I'm hoping, then I'll have the world's first carnivorous rabbit.
<.> I am afraid for the fate of the poor hamsters. v.v Hopefully they wont end up like our tarantula. Or our hermit crabs. Or my sister's frogs. Or my turtle. Or my brother's fish....

Fred the tarantula died when my stepdad flea-bombed the house. We were very sad. v.v The others were from my brother and sister not being able to care for pets, except for my turtle, which just died because it was old.

We still have a dog, a bearded dragon, and two fish that live in MY room. Oh, I need to clean out their bowls very badly...
I used to be deathly afraid of spiders too, but Fred was all fuzzy and soft, and there's no chance of a pet tarantula biting you unless you try to squish it. :D I let him walk on my arm. ^-^
X.X I can't take care of fish... no, just no.

Let's just say table salt is NOT the same as sea salt, despite saying so. Oh and that Clownfish can in fact freeze to death. And those tubes are dangerous, and that some fish are crazy cannibals.... etc.

My bunny is fine, I mean he smells a little funny but he's molting and I don't want to touch him, or my shirts will be ruined.

Our hermit crab froze to death. My mother refused to buy my brother a heater for it and well... My sister wants one now, she loves those things.
My problem with all of those sort of pets is that our cats would kill them. Or traumatise them severely. We get enough dead animals already, no need help the death toll.
XD We have a very large death toll. My dad likes fish. Sadly fish die early.

I think my rabbit is severely traumatized. My father is intent on picking him up by the ears, my dog makes him run to his litter tray and stay there, only food can get him out and my sister likes to blow on his face and scare the crap out of him.
O.O Your poor rabbit...

I'd just rather not know the animal the tiny little organs on our doorstep belong too.
I'll give you three guesses as to what the weather is like here, and the first two don't count.
Just woke up from like a four-hour nap, jeezum. It's writing time :D
I have 5 pages to write about the Communist Manifesto. Fuuuuuuck.
Double-space and use big font?


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