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Protect the flock! From JP and Hachette!

Besides posting on here and replying to this thread. Original credit for this goes back to Fate and Nathan on MX.

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It always seems to work out after you've done the test. It's like seeing the red marks all over your working out magically gives you the ability to actually do the problems. Re-tests always seem to go much better.
I know. >.> Especially when it's just a tiny mistake like not realizing it was 2.5% instead of 25%. And then it ruins your entire answer.

One time we had a Health test for a presentation we got earlier that week. The people who didn't watch it got a little pamphlet to help them. Everyone did not-so-great on the test, but the teacher planned it to be a practice test. The next week she gave everyone the exact same test. I got 100% (Sadly, the only 100 on a test this year), some how people who were there for the first test failed. v.v
I hate those sort of mistakes. And it's like, it's so simple, how did I manage to miss this? And you end up losing like 8 marks because of it.

Yeah, in maths for... I forget which unit, but basically the whole year level failed. We did a re-test a week later and everyone got As and the like.
Oh gods, I hope I didn't do that. Eight marks on this test is worth 16%. I make so many mistakes on days when I didn't get enough sleep I just wonder, "O.o What was I thinking?"

Woah. The re-tests are generally easier for us, from what I can notice anyways.
XD Last year we had an idiot Social Studies teacher, he basically ate in class and yelled at us when we talked things that he wasn't talking about. Which was usually not on topic.

His methods of teaching was lots and lots of movies. Then he used the movies for exams. X.X

My friend got three questions right, or something like that. She never did get a re-test.
We only get retests if everyone does spectacularly badly. If one person stuffs up then it's assumed they just stuffed up, if it's everyone then the test is flawed and you get another one.

And if it's just the teacher, well they never seem to think there's anything wrong with their teaching method or test, so....
If someone gets a really bad grade, either falling, or really bad from the usual they're allowed a re-test.

If the entire class did pretty bad, depending on what teacher, we may get an assignment to boost our mark.
Some teachers allow you to redo it if its off your normal, but it really depends. Like I had pretty good marks in Chem, except for two fail tests which brought my mark down to C+ which I couldn't redo. Of course I then went on to pretty much fail my exam, but that's beside the point.
I get to sleep in tomorrow \o/
Going to bed.

I'm probably going to sleep through that movie tomorrow. >.>

Night everyone.
Night Xuut.


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