I just figure that while it'll feel really damn good for about a week, eventually having to pretend I'm not me (use a different writing style, fangirl different things, whatever) would wear me down, and then I'd get banned and feel terrible as usual.
I haven't the faintest except just... like... *surprise pain omg* wtf body
I'm still tempted to write the mods a Fuck-You-Dear-John letter, but I'm also half-tempted to just make a new account, make no attempt at concealing my identity, and raise hell.
Yeah... I think stress might be fucking with me. That and I'm sick.
Except... I'm just tired, man. I... don't want to. :C Sorry for being a buzzkill, but... having MX back would be great, but I know I'm not going to get it. So I'm settling for what I've got.
Also since ff.net's notifications fail and it hates me lately, thanks for the lovely review on "Black Heart" <3