Maximum Ride Unofficial Community

Protect the flock! From JP and Hachette!

Besides posting on here and replying to this thread. Original credit for this goes back to Fate and Nathan on MX.

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Mmkay. I was thinking that was an awfully, awfully large suburb. I can name 'cities' that are significantly smaller than that (although I think they use the term rather loosely).
Yeah idk vOv Colorado is a small state, though. The Denver area contains a majority of the population, I think.
Eh, I think most of states have that one population hot-spot. But then we're significantly less populated in general.
Damn my wordfail. Colorado has a small population -- 5 million I think?
Right... I think that was more a reading fail than a wording one

I think Victoria's population is... similar. Maybe a little bigger. Which makes it the second most populated state.
I think about half of these work for my school... Which makes sense since it's medium-ish sized. Although they're rather fond of unnecessarily long ceremonies.
'S cool, we all have our days.
I survived. One the bright side guess who I met at the class:

Fandom nerds! Maybe not out fanodm, but still. XD Well. one was fandom and wow. And most of what they talked about was not my genere (Star Trek and Star Wars) but yeah.

Oh, and I passed.
XD Awesome.

Good to know you survived/passed.
Yeah. Twas cool. *going to add them on FB whenever she gets around to it*

Yes. though, I'm freaking drop dead tired. *shouldn't have stayed up so late* *doesn't regret it*
I've just seen the funniest thing ever.

So I was looking through someone's MR playlist, as you do, and I came across one entry that... was interesting.

"13-Thnks Fr Th Mmrs-distrust between jeb and max"

Yes, that's the song by Fall Out Boy that essentially goes "I cheated on you and it was awesome".

My natural thought was "so, who's leaving who here, and for who?"
I have that song...

*wonders* Hmmm.... I...couldn't guess. Though I'd have to say Roland because Jeb doesn't seem to leave relationships. Maybe for Mariam?


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