I realized that I fuckin' suck at kidfic, so I'm picking up the old plot threads with a vengeance now -- so Reilly and Kyle will be carrying more of the narrative henceforth. And Marian should have a bit more of a role, 'cause I have some of Chekhov's guns I need to start loading for the By-Half Plan.
Yeah... well, you'll see what I've been doing with his character :3 (Right now, he's a lonely, somewhat antisocial, very smart little boy who happens to be having weird shit done to him with science. This starts to change pretty soon.) I might wind up just sucking it up and writing from Ari's perspective.
:D That sounds like a heck of a lot of fun. Not the sucking at writing kidfic bit, but the rest.
What are you doing for the By-Half Plan? I can see why you'd need more Marian. She'll have an awful lot of explaining to do to make that seem like it's not a good time to support the flock.
Fluff is great and all, but plot is the most fun ever :3 Especially lining up threads that I won't tie up for months and months.
For the By-Half Plan... is it whoretastic if I just say wait and see? It should be hellishly fun, but alas, I don't think it really shows up for a while yet.
*agrees* Especially if it's a plot line that you've known has been coming for ages and it's like now I can /finally/ get this up. And as much as I love fluff, it is really a happy distraction, the plot's the bit that gets everything moving and holds it all together.
No... it's understandable. I'll just... wait... or something.
I'm excited for when that'll eventually show up, now.
*nods* Although that means when you can't write fluff you're seriously screwed, because you can't even have a plotty chapter. Not to mention whatever happened with Prescott and the stuff they found in the basement... *doesn't think that was resolved but might be wrong*
*sigh* Yeah, I thought as much. What with RC's timeline going up until TAE and all... Still I'll have RC to occupy me until then, and whatever else comes in between the two
That's a good thing. So long as you don't stop writing, and I'm pretty sure some of your fans won't let you, you'll get to them eventually and everyone's patience will have been rewarded. And by then you'll be half through another long plot arc. :D
Also my internets trying to kill me or something... *will try and fix*
Heh, my fail. After the giant fiasco at the Itex world headquarters in STW.
They won't shut up... and they're really quite fun to write, too :3 Which is lucky considering I'm pretty much enlisted for another few hundred thousand words here.
Oh, that. Can you tell me whether or not Itex is destroyed in your version, or have you not worked that out/ it's confidential until we get closer to it?
*looks forward to another few hundred thousand words* They're also very fun to read.