Permalink Reply by Fate on December 21, 2009 at 5:58pm
We know you Fishy. *cough*And we all secretly want her back*cough*
That's what I tell RL people when they ask.
Permalink Reply by Xuut on December 21, 2009 at 5:59pm
I want her to be online too. It always seems more lively when someone with a toucan as their avvie is on. Even when it's not actually lively. Plus, basically everyone knows you guys are tighter than skinny jeans. The ones you can't bend in.
My lawyer is a rabbit. Doesn't talk much, or give an opinion...
Oh, I don't secretly want her back. I sent her a rambly incoherent email telling her that I want her back already.
Permalink Reply by Fate on December 21, 2009 at 6:01pm
Yeah. It's also more lively when the fish avvie is here.
Do I even have a lawyer? Pffft. *appoints Steve as her lawyer* If you disagree with him, he'll eat your brains, 'cause that's what zombehs do.
Permalink Reply by Xuut on December 21, 2009 at 6:05pm
The Fish avvie is WIN.
Totally off topic here for a sec, but on your old Avvie, the one with a fox, whenever I looked at it I thought it was a llama.
\o/ A zombeh lawyer? Why that's even better than my rabbit lawyer! Whom I pay with rabbit treats and room service. Which is totally legal.
Permalink Reply by Fate on December 21, 2009 at 6:08pm
Yus. It is.
A llama? o.o It was a kitsune. Google it if you don't already know what that is. Actually this one's a kitsune too.
Well, twas between Paco the penguin, but he's an alcoholic and is currently our bartender, Fabio the meerkat, but he's currently busy being a stripper, and Phileep the panther, but he just scares me. Well, he is a rabbit.
*is in awe of both of your lawyers* How can someone say no to a rabbit or a zombeh?
Permalink Reply by Xuut on December 21, 2009 at 6:18pm
Omigosh, a Maco the meerkat stripper? Doesn't he know that prostitution pays better? But that panther could be like the one in the Jungle Book! The penguin, tsk, tsk. Go to the AA.
A /needy/ rabbit with some hygiene issues.
@Flying: Well to be honest I don't think my rabbit actually graduated from Harvard like he says he has. In fact I don't think he has schooling at all. But he's cheap so.
I find it amusing that when talking on Facebook with acquaintances from my French class, we speak a mixture of French and English, like we do in class so we don't get in trouble. XD
*is back* *is also, surprisingly, alive* Not-so-subtle hints that the internet is the root of all evil and bad marks and should be cut down on severely next year aside.