Permalink Reply by Fate on December 22, 2009 at 6:22am
Going down to the MVD to get my permit. Then going to the other house to take care of the pets. Then going to see The Princess and The Frog. Then baking cookies. Don’t expect me back for a while.
The stupid little fucking cunts who coudn't keep their drama off the AT. Obviously, I can't take my anger out on them personally, properly, though I was just a wee bit vocal in the Dark Alley thread and Katy and Genn didn't seem to mind my calling them stupid idiots and Merry effin Christmas XD 90,000 posts GONE...stupid shit >.s>this is a curse friendly site, no?
I can't stand to read whatever shit they're saying in their new farce of a thread. Cept for your and Doom's comments >.> *elitist bitch*
Their little group finally made their own site, cause they were tired of not being invited to the Elsewheres XD Couldn't they have just killed their stupid little site instead of fucking destroying the AT?
Thanks, nighthawk. My apologies to everyone here, for my coming on and raving like a pissed off bitch. Happens to be just what I am right now >./s>
You ish speshul, in a barbed butt end sort of way XD
They're a bunch of whiny little pansies, full of nothinhg but fluff and greetings, same as they've always been.
Oh hell don't I wish! The damage we could do there in mere minutes would be so choice ^_^ Cole knows it >.> If I can persuade you to be part of the Experiment, surely I can get a wee web address from him =P
One thing that makes me laugh is that technically if they wanted to start it over they should have posted it in the Novel section. Shows how much they know about it's origins, kind of disrespectful to it.
Well of course he got it, he makes friends with everyone. No matter what I can't pretend.