Tsk tsk, naughty little lurker. I'd say come out to play, but the sites pretty much lost its luster =/ Can't quite put my finger on while I still sitck around there...
Someone was asking about you not long ago...Tara, or Hana maybe ^-^
Permalink Reply by Zapp on December 22, 2009 at 8:11am
Tara asked me where I went on here...
I know! I've been lurking for ages and it seems that the antis are either nice and tame and stay in off topic, or they chase people off the site...I don't want to get involved again >.>
Meh, for the most part the antis you knew hang out at the Spot (where you deleted your account, GAH! :P) Basically got tired of bashing on TTS , so yeah, its super tame compared to the old days >.>
@nathan - but illegal things are usually the most tempting ^-^
@pollyo XD Like... don't post things that will get the FBI called on you or me. :C Ruins my day.
Permalink Reply by Zapp on December 22, 2009 at 8:23am
>.> Sorry about that...I had to cut my internetz time and the only way to not keep posting/lurking was to have no account *has no strength of will* xD
Ahh, the old days...the facepalm counter and the Vendetta spamming...The antis thread in the novels section...stupid to look back on but fun at the time. Lulz...