I can understand the getting angry about someone using his bathroom, especially if you hadn't asked, but to hit someone? Even I wouldn't go that far and I have a short fuse.
I've physically removed my brother from my room before... I just swing him over my shoulder and carry him out. Which always surprises him, as he's bigger than I am.
XD I don't drop him... which surprises most people, as I look like I couldn't lift 5 pounds. >.<'
But he's younger than me, slightly shorter, and only weighs 10lbs more than I do, so I can carry him short distances.
XD I've dropped him on purpose when we reach our destination, never on his head though. When I get to his room, I'll usually plop him onto his bed and go back to my room.
I made some random girl, and she's very very nerdy and awesome. Though I had to forgo basic lighting and furniture, I bought a computer and a bookshelf. And when you click on the computer, you get options like "Start writing fiction novel" and "Overclock."