How many times are we gonna explain this to you? You'll regret it. Don't leave.
Also: For awhile, I debated leaving everything, because my online life was growing quickly and it scared me. If I'd done that, I would've voluntarily alienated some of the best friends I've ever had.
You do realize, the majority of the people here were forced out of MX. We didn't choose to leave. You actually have a choice, don't take that for granted, 'aight?
Maybe I'm coming across bitter and bitchy. I'm just trying to make a point. Sorry.
We all have our moments *shrug* Just... think about it before you actually do it.
For what it's worth, I tried to leave MX once -- without a ban, mind you -- and actually got people asking me not to. Which freaked me out. Point being, though, that someone there will miss you if you leave.
"Got people asking you not to" meaning "had a humongous thread of us and randoms yelling at you and writing paragraphs about how much we love you and somebody stalking your Twitter and reporting to us."