Maximum Ride Unofficial Community

Protect the flock! From JP and Hachette!

Besides posting on here and replying to this thread. Original credit for this goes back to Fate and Nathan on MX.

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Hey, Omega.

How've you been?
We do have internets. I'm in an internet cafe right now!

Just my aunt lives in the middle of nowhere, and is on crap dialup.
Merry Christmas/Happy New Years!
Merry Christmas and Happy New Years to you as well.

Happy holidays!

*understands with the internet*
...I love you, St. John's. You fuckers.

St. John's is one of the colleges I was interested in, and they sent me a bigass package a while ago.

Opened it, and they sent me an application form, a description of what they're doing next year academics-wise, and a "what you can do after going here" book.

For a second I thought you were talking about the city. XD
Naw, they're a little liberal-arts college with a campus in Santa Fe.

...I think I know where I'm applying :D

Of course... it's past this year's deadline, but I'm sure as hell applying after I spend a year at community college. (Because my parents won't just let me take a year off, God forbid.)
Yeah >.> All my friends have already applied to / gotten into colleges. I'm late in that aspect -- I graduate in May.
I'm sixteen. I am not ready to go to college.

My friends are all... eighteen, now. Two of them know basically what they want to major in.

Uh, bone up on your vocabulary. I didn't take the SAT, but I did do the ACT. Um... practice your math too, especially geometry and trigonometry.
You've never done sine law?


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