Maximum Ride Unofficial Community

Protect the flock! From JP and Hachette!

As I mentioned previous times, I wished to write a history of the fandom.
I intend on doing it in three parts.
1) Conception (book 2) and the old blog
2) MX and Anti Dominence
3) Summer 2009 and current day.

We are starting with number 1.
I can easily type up things regarding the book, however I wasn't really around (except a bi-monthly glance at the featured posts). So, I need names, dates, big events. Remember this is centered at the MR community as a whole, not just the Antis, so if there were dates that were important to them (maybe something crazy happened around a book release?) Give 'em

I'll update the OP as we move through the parts.

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First few paragraphs:

It is difficult to say anything about when and where a collective MR fandom started, and it is similarly difficult to say anything about when and where the official MR fandom started. The Angel Experiment may have been first published in April of 2005, but the blog was apparently posting by January of that year.

Fang’s Blog was a blog made using the provider blogspot. It followed Max and the rest of the flock through the books, albeit either at a distance or through several parallels, usually posting at an average of about four or five posts per month, with the most posts occurring, naturally, in April of 2005. It technically has a role in story cannon as a device that Fang uses to rally the world’s children to mob out Itexicon, and claims that it has over a hundred thousand members in the fifth book (though, according to the Max-Dan-Wiz members page, the number is about 35.5 thousand.

The actual fan community was spread across an early forum and...

...can anyone tell me about the early forum, etc?
Again, I'm only focusing on part 1 for now.
If only Z were here. Or anyone else from the Mafia.

I barely remember 2005, but what I can tell you is that the early forums (before book two) had a blue color scheme. Then, for the release of SOF, it changed to red.

I have a very, very bad sense of time.

But. There were lots of arguments about Max's hair color, whether Max should date Fang or Iggy, whether Fang and Iggy should date...

At some point, sported some really weird extras that are now published in at least one edition of SOF. Fang had an iTunes playlist you could download, I think there was some sort of radio app, and there were downloads of some sort. Not that I picked any up.

The forums as I remember them were dominated by people who scared the fuck out of me. I think that they were what became the Mafia + some other randoms. Yes. I was a scared little newbie.

There was lots of fanfic, and about a jillion RPs... there was one fanfic with links to other places hidden in the narrative, making up clues to the greater story. Which was neat.

There was theorization that ZOMG ITEX WAS REAL AAAH and someone found a website -- or some fucking thing -- that required U/N and password to get in. No one ever did.

Summer 2006, there was a big, huge argument over whether slash fic should be allowed on the boards, and there was a letter campaign to one of the mods to persuade them YES. It failed. I still have the banner somewhere.

Around the time book three came out, the forums were "invaded" by Erasers. No one ever worked out exactly what happened, but they had a private forum that people tried to get the password too... the "Erasers" also "vandalized"

For a very long time, the blog actually related back to the story -- I remember there were scans of material stolen from Itex, a picture that was supposedly Fang post attack by Eraser, another picture of an Eraser fang... there was also another website (long since gone) dedicated to reporting flock sightings. It wasn't until a few months before MX opened that the blog went obnoxious as fuck and started reporting on music, etc. and not book-related things. I was pissed.

Erm. Didn't make much sense. Got any specific questions?
*can actually picture it*
But, like, one of those adorable "oh sorry I didn't mean to talk I'm sorry I'll go now" newbs, not one of the stupid 'I own the place, I hate you!" ones.
Completely. :DD
Nate, I'm sure you were the cutest littlie EVER.
Agreed. :D
Oh God, shut up ._. I was not cute!
I am not cute, dammit! I'm... like... handsome! Or something that's not so damned girly!

...I think I crossed a few wires in my brain ._.
You're never gonna get it :C OK then, fine.
Nathan, darling, we are describing the way you /acted/, and while I'm sure sure you behaved handsomely, you no doubt made a cute newb as well.

That said, I'd go pretty or cute over handsome to describe you. You don't look un-girly to me. I'm not sure whether you think that's a good or a bad thing, but anyway...
Cussing was AMAZING. No one really cared, it was just..way of expression.

My first thread was an anti-Christmas thread. Ver-ver amusing.
EDIT- Actually, it was a "Fuck you, everything-that-isn't-xmas!" thread. xD
I know. The swearing was glorious, but of course I didn't really swear back then...

I remember freaking out when they were back - banning for swearing, and then I realised I could probably count on one hand the number of times I'd actually made use of the moderator free environment...
I have a fucking hysterical thread about ter Borcht saved from January (well before teh modzorz), and... it would be an instaban for all parties involved, I think XD

(Warning about the link -- previous/next page links are all the way at the bottom, formatting's borked to hell, and it's generally a wreck, but hey.)


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