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Protect the flock! From JP and Hachette!

Besides posting on here and replying to this thread. Original credit for this goes back to Fate and Nathan on MX.

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Honestly, I haven't an idea.

Yes, but I'm lazier, with a poor work ethic, and well. . . . being near 3 weeks behind doesn't help. At least you've been going to classes, right?
You're not lazier. Trust me.
*has a very good work ethic..... for things I actually care about* *has horrid work ethic for things like school*

I have been physically present in my classes, yes.
I know you beat me with procrastinating, but lazy. . . . possibly not.

XD *understands that*

XD Good, that's at least something.
It's 2pm on the Sunday before we go back. What am I doing? Sitting home alone, online, drinking a Rockstar. Do I have homework? Yes. *is not very proud of herself right now*

Yeah, so I can say "look! I was there the whole time, and I STILL don't know what the hell's going on!"
XD Back home, I have about 15hrs to go to school. From there, I have at least 3 full weeks of hw. (Not that it was assigned over that time, but that's how long it'll take me to BS my way through. . . . without going to school, and I only have a week to do so.

XD Well. . . . some teachers definitely give you the grade if you just show up. I had a teacher that had 25% of your grade was participation. Basically if you showed up, and didn't tick of the teacher, you passed the class.
Wow. Yeah, with the new system.... everything is entered into the gradebook, there is no "well I think I'll boost your grade" to it. Unless they're willing to forge scores on actual assignments. The only class with participation points is French, and you have to actually participate.... I think I've gotten 5 participation points all year. >.<'

*gives tea*
Hai! I haven't talked to you in forever! Or it feels like it anyway.
Don't worry, I don't usually hug people unless they really need it.

And also don't worry, because it usually turns out all right. *offers leftover Christmas cookies*
I've been worrying about stuff too. Being a procrastinator doesn't help much with that.

Dang, it does feel like ages. What's it been? A month, or so? More? It definitely feels like about that time.
How've you been?



O.O Cookies? You guys still have Christmas cookies? Mine were all gone on Boxing Day. :D
Am I the only one whose family doesn't make/eat Christmas cookies at all....?
Nope, we don't.


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