Maximum Ride Unofficial Community

Protect the flock! From JP and Hachette!

Besides posting on here and replying to this thread. Original credit for this goes back to Fate and Nathan on MX.

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...How's it hanging?
Perhaps. . . save it to a word doc, next time you edit it, so you can just c/p.
It's some fucker named Chaosmaster16 or some fucking thing.

I'm tempted to go to his page and call him an asshole, tell him to get the fuck back to whatever pages it is he normally stalks, but Wiki dun liek dat.

Home from therapist. She's lobbying hard to have me put on meds.

I, frankly, am scared out of my mind.

Also oh my God I'll never torture characters ever again please God.
The "omg suicidal thoughts" is anti-suing >.> Meds restore your ability to act before they get you good-moody again.

I'm just all :S fgsfds aaaaaaaaaaaaaah
...what, an anti-depressant?
In all honesty, meds won't do you much good without a change in lifestyle. Trust me, having been there.
Your best bet, find a real social group, of real people, that you mean face-to-face in real life, often.
A good way to do it is to find a writing group. One of the people in the group I'm currently attending reads fanfics (crossover and slash simultaneously--not the kind of fic I'm fond of), so I'm sure there's someone you could meet out there in RL who could find J/R amusing.
I know, that prospect is probably sounds as fun to you as sticking your arm in a working wood-chipper, but from someone who's been there, it's probably your best bet.
I just replied to the secret confessions thread with my actual account, so those of you ninjas who saw it in the 2 seconds it was posted, please do me the favor of not carrying on about it in view of others.
None of us would even think of it, Fishy.
That and I was downstairs cooking an omelet at the time >.> Even if I'd caught the post, I wouldn't have said a word.
U has omelet??
Slightly undercooked, but yes. Nom.

Food is good.


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