Maximum Ride Unofficial Community

Protect the flock! From JP and Hachette!

Besides posting on here and replying to this thread. Original credit for this goes back to Fate and Nathan on MX.

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Kitty <3
There we have it: Ni in all her fascinating glory. XD
And Waffles.

I always find these little insights into you people's lives fascinating.
Hai forum. I see you met somebody while I was away. Good to know.

I'm glad you're safe, and here. But... make sure you don't give your parents any more reason for concern.
*jumps in*

Tally! *hugs*

I'm glad you're alright. Try to come on every once in awhile, but first and foremost don't give your parents any reason to worry. We'd rather have you disappear for a week than have your parents find out and lose you forever, you know?
Good! We don't want to lose anyone else off of here.
Bai Forum. Be back later! Now, need eats.
Iz so tired _o_

On the bright side... um, what bright side? My face is numb and I lisp?

My phone has a voice memo feature *plans to misuse this later for voice posts*
So do I actually... and it just reminded me how retarded my voice sounds. Lovely.
XD I'm sure your voice sounds fine. You have an Aussie accent, right?
I should... but, I've been asked on multiple occasions where my accent's from. It's just a tad off Australian, with a mix of God knows what.
I'm from California, so it's a fairly mild American accent. We don't have any special quirks like the Southerners and New Englanders, anyway.


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