I don't have a whole lot of ideas anymore, unless they're for just, like, single chapters :S
o.o I slept like eleven hours and had a dream where I was trying to commit suicide, vtf brain. Although I'm kind of pissed at RC right now. "No. There is absolutely no way I can shoehorn a 'dance party in the lab' scene into all the drama and angst going on right now. BAD FIC. NO BISCUIT."
It's kind of... one of those things. Like Reilly's favorite music. I've been wondering how to work that in pretty much since before the fic existed.
Except this is a random scene where someone gets caught having a one-in-the-morning dance party in the lab. With jury-rigged strobes, embarrassing dancing, and all.
I'm tempted to use it for the intro scene of a new character coming up in a bit, but Jesus, given the other plot stuff that's also coming up, it would be a total moodkiller.
I won't spoil too hard, but suffice to say dance parties don't fit in with the upcoming plot stuff. Because Ari features into all that.
Staying under limit is made even more difficult when my father sets the money-deposit date (into my phone) to be 3-4 days after my month ends. And my texts don't roll over, not that I ever have any left for that last week.