Maximum Ride Unofficial Community

Protect the flock! From JP and Hachette!

Besides posting on here and replying to this thread. Original credit for this goes back to Fate and Nathan on MX.

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There is someone out there who is consistently changing Jeb's wiki character bio so that it doesn't imply that Roland and Jeb are involved.

It's annoying.
Chaos is just a dipshit.

It's different people who keep reverting the character bios... although I claim no responsibility for Jeb's. I spent some time with Roland's a few months back extensively rewriting it to be actually readable and informative, which is why I tend to mama-bear over it.
Right now I'm just all "fuck that to hell and back". Because I have more things to worry about ._.

Anyone up for a paragraph?
I'd just like it to be known that I am firmly against FLAP.

And that we should ask Endof if we could borrow his definition on an Anti.
:D Yes. We need EndOf here to do that. I would write something... but that just seems like it would be something he should do, because nobody could write anything better than him.
Go rip off Antis 101, we still have it as a thread on here. I don't mind.
Either that, or link/borrow something from Anti Love.
I'm good with what's there now.
XD Nice.
This is THE WEIRDEST manga I have EVER read.

I'm just a bit freaked out, and also really confused, but interested at the same time. O.o

And I have to go now. I probably won't be on tomorrow. :/

That manga was Angel Sanctuary, by the way... it's so weird....
Ahahaha Angel Sanctuary was a trip and a half the one volume I read.


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