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Protect the flock! From JP and Hachette!

Besides posting on here and replying to this thread. Original credit for this goes back to Fate and Nathan on MX.

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From what I can tell on MX and from my memory, about May. 26th ish. You might want to ask someone who was actually there, I might be wrong.

Because according to some of these older posts you unbanned from marrying a canary by June 18th.

-Has been digging here and on MX to see if there are any mentioning of your marriage-

BTW, how is Edgar?

*searched "ni marry canary" in the "search social network" box* XD

Oh my god I've never read this before... How is it still here?!? XDDDD
I have the date written on that picture I made....


June 23.
Oooohhhh. Nevermind. Haha, I should have looked closer.
Done! ^-^
Broken. D:

PS- Shoot, my wedding present isn't saved on this computer. I woulda posted it.
It was the story thing and an announcement that Ni and Edgar were getting married.
Okay so what the frig.

I went to see Sherlock Holmes and they were bloody sold out. It's like God doesn't want me to see the freaking movie.

-Grumbles- -Is determined to see it-
So I finished this drawing of the flock in Vampire Knight uniforms. I was bored. :/ It doesn't look right on any of them though and Nudge looks blurry.

Let's see.... Angel's eyes look super creepy, Fang looks weird in white, Max would never wear a school uniform like that, especially with that short skirt... Max, Fang, and Iggy look depressed, Max's eyes are weird-ish, Fang's hand is too small, Nudge is blurry (but that's the camera's fault), the Sharpie coloring looks scribbly, but Nudge would love that outfit and Gazzy looks kind of cute, I think.

If I'm allowed to critique myself.... XD


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