XD Yeah, I edited and added that I'd been banned. And it did sound weird. I think the mods have forgotten me pretty much though.... Everyone seems to be doing that lately... >.>
Flying... has an account there, but does an absolutely terrible job of actually being present, posting, acting at all anti-like, or any of the other stuff having an account is useful for.
However, I do do a slightly better job than Fate. And hop on occasionally.
I've actually contemplating asking you to post something for me to yell at someone and then I get all 'Meh, that'd be such a nuisance, and she's so nice, she'd never say something like that'
You can ask me though. I'm sure it wouldn't be a nuisance, and I am capable of not being nice, thank you very much. Or you can yell at them nicely, that's kinda fun.
Nope. Just because one person is on top all like figures aren't elevated. Consider, are African Americans really treated all that much differently since Obama got elected president? No, not really.