Maximum Ride Unofficial Community

Protect the flock! From JP and Hachette!

Besides posting on here and replying to this thread. Original credit for this goes back to Fate and Nathan on MX.

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I've had Honors Chemistry and Honors Physics. *sympathizes with both of you*

*sigh* off to Calc 2.
I wake up at 5:20 to catch the school bus.
Put up a random writing piece of mine, by popular request. It's on the blog. It's not especially impressive, but it does what it was designed to do; take up space.
Why no tap water?
I'm not sure where my water comes from.

So as long as it's not any of the nearby lakes.
@present: Isn't it a lovely feeling when someone likes a present you picked out for them?
@water: Eww. Tap water. My mom always buys water.
Why in cursive? Isn't cursive harder on the hands/wrists?
When our teachers get mad at us, they tell us how near the test is and just don't talk for a few minutes. We all remain silent after that.
Hurray for Duct tape! On mythbusters last night they built a working cannon out of duct tape.
What? What's they use as the explosives?
Gunpowder from shotgun shells
Updated "n00bs" on SiteSoc101


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