Maximum Ride Unofficial Community

Protect the flock! From JP and Hachette!

Besides posting on here and replying to this thread. Original credit for this goes back to Fate and Nathan on MX.

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Playing with the Tickle Me Elmo my friend bought at Walmart.
This Tickle Me Elmo is seriously creepy.
Happy Australia Day every one!

And now I'm off to eat lamb, drink beer, watch cricket and whatever else we Australians do...

*sips very-English, non-Australian tea*

Happy Australia Day! *didn't realize that that was a holiday, or that it was today* *celebrates*
Happy Australia day.

The mental/social games we play around my house could be amusing, if I didn't have to be involved in them. But God they piss me off.

I got home today and slept like a fucking rock. Through dinner.

wtf body
I wanna go to the beach.
I testified at a House of Representatives committee hearing about a bill on e-cigarettes.
I owned them.

Dude, awesome.

What was the bill, and what did you say? >.>
It was a "prohibit the sale of e-cigarettes to minors" bill, and oh man I SCHOOLED THEM.

I just gave a spiel about:
How it's technically legal to use e-cigs on school grounds, and easy to.
How they're being marketed to youth.
How unbelievably easy it is to buy them online.

I was the youngest speaker by like, 20 years, and the only one who could project moderately. xD

I was so nervous for questions, because they usually ask me really difficult questions because they're crinkly and mean and they can, but they had nothing to say to me.
Well, one guy did, but I had anticipated it and answered beautifully.

Not to sound all conceited and stuff, usually I'm just moderately happy with how my presentations go but this one was /awesome/.

E Cigarettes are supposed to be healthy ways to smoke, right? Like, you inhale a sort of non-lethal gas containing nicotine?

Hello, BTW


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