Maximum Ride Unofficial Community

Protect the flock! From JP and Hachette!

Besides posting on here and replying to this thread. Original credit for this goes back to Fate and Nathan on MX.

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Bad. Really bad.

I'm surviving, though. Going to the doctor soon. Hopefully won't have to do too many test and will get things cleared up
I know v.v I'd really rather not, by all accounts it's going to be a stressful year that I'd like to put off for as long as possible...

@Ranting: Now? Weekends, I s'pose...

@Lamp: Well, I was hoping you'd still be up when I got home...

Why do you have to be so cruel you stupid timezones.

Australia and all those little countries beside it should be within 12 hours of our timezone! Ditto for England.
Well, I'm really only 9 hours behind you (then plus a day...). I think we should have synchronised timezones that'd be nice...
If I wake up at 3 AM, then I think it shall work.

But then I miss when America is super busy, 9-12 PM/AM.

Bah humbug to you school!

3AM is like, perfect, however I think I'm still up right up until you go to school... Plus I'd rather not be responsible for screwing up your sleeping patterns any more than they're alreay screwed up.
Oh, I will be, but still. . . .it kills like. . . 3-5hours of possible time we could be IM'ing. I'm still missing IMing you in NZ where it was like 24/7 for nearly a week, there. :DDDD
That was nice, when you had internet... and you didn't have to leave me at 6-7.00 o'clock as well :DD
J. D. Salinger is dead.

He was 91.

Maybe I'm a phony too, but goddamn...
I know. :(

Catcher in the Rye was such a difficult read - i don't think I ever finished it. But still, that took talent to write. :(
A difficult read? I don't remember it being that hard.

Yeah, i saw that news article.

I feel betrayed by him kind of...he never wrote anything else.
Nah, it's Harper Lee who published one book and nothing else. Salinger has some absolutely amazing short stories :3 I highly recommend them.


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