Maximum Ride Unofficial Community

Protect the flock! From JP and Hachette!

Besides posting on here and replying to this thread. Original credit for this goes back to Fate and Nathan on MX.

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You had better come back!

I'm sure as hell going back the minute my ban is lifted, but until then, I'll sneak around slightly incognito.

Truth be told, I should probably take a break. I'm getting to dependant on it.

Glad to here that they didn't permaban you, though. :D
Yeah, same here. It's quite pathetic, really. >.>

I'm not going to be on as often there until I get my account back. I have here, and the Splat. So I'll make do.
I blame you and all other people who make the site fun.

Hmm...Should I change my profile info to make fun of them for this?


Why not?

If you're planning on getting banned, might as well have fun with it. :D
Hmm...maybe I should do it with the new Crowley account I'll be making.

At some point.

I'm not going to provoke them into banning my current account, which shall go unnamed for now for security reasons. I don't want my banning to be even mildly justified.


Ah, what the hell. I'll go for it. :D
Wait, which account?
My only one. The one that I frequently use.

Which shall be linked with neither Crowley nor Fake on the open forums because the mods no doubt know about this site and probably check it every once in a while.
You're not planning on a permaban, right?

Those conversations were too much fun. XD

Do you honestly expect me to care about permabans?

Am I going to actually go out and seek it? No.

Does it matter if I do? Not really. I'm bringing back Crowley. If they ban it, I'll make another. And another. And another.

See, I don't really see how they have any power at all, apart from getting rid of our replies and inconveniencing us.

Okay. ^-^
Speaking of getting banned, I was planning on pulling something else on MDW to get banned.


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