Maximum Ride Unofficial Community

Protect the flock! From JP and Hachette!

Besides posting on here and replying to this thread. Original credit for this goes back to Fate and Nathan on MX.

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Nah, End's like nineteen. I don't know how old Pollyo is, but she has kids. You're not the oldest... just, right now, of the people online.
My god...

You're all either (with the exception of Fishy), my older sister's age, my brother's age or my cousin's age.

It's just strange to imagine that you'd be friends with them. You know assuming we all didn't live in different parts of the world.

Granted, I have a lot of siblings so...
Alright, then It sounds like I'm definitely above the average age here.
*old as hell and also a creepy stalker*

Sixteen and a half.

Fandom makes me feel very, very average <3 I'm used to being the young one in any group I'm in. It's kind of nice to be older.
@Xuut - Tally and Py are my little brother's age. I think of him as such a kid, I'm always all worried about him and I think he's so young.... but they seem like they're my age, at least. It's weird.

Edit - @Nathan - Pyro still has you beat. *points above your post*
Yep, I have you beat Nathan 17 and 9/12ths
@Pyro: Not really.. only by like a year...

Ryan's eighteen so... And End is 19ish...

Pollyo is as old and/or older as/than my oldest half-brother and he's thirty. She's a mummy. :D

@Fishy: Everyone here seems older.
I never said it was by a lot...

I refuse to believe that... although looking back I was quite terrible too.. but I had perverted older siblings with raging hormones...

I didn't tell them anything really till I came here. And the NING thing is so troublesome.

-Doesn't mind that much-

I mean it's not like it's illegal. And in your videos people can be babyfaced. -cough-me-cough-
I tend to assume everyone was older. I thought Nathan was like, twenty....
I used to get that all the fucking time >.> I dunno how anyone could get that impression.


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