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Protect the flock! From JP and Hachette!

Besides posting on here and replying to this thread. Original credit for this goes back to Fate and Nathan on MX.

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I don't need to be/am not on a diet for any reason, but my dad's girlfriend is because she's such a fatass and yes I'm bitchy enough to pick at that. She does all the shopping, sooo...
(It made sense. Mostly. That's how my brain operates, I'm used to it.)

Whole milk is ew. Then again, I hate whipped cream, sour cream, cream cheese -- anything creamy. Which whole milk kinna is.
That blows ._. *wants to buy you delicious foods*

Ah. If it tastes good in coffee / on pie, I like it... and sour cream features in my family's kickass Christmas cookies, so I can't really hate it.
Sounds like my aunts house... I avoid eating there as much as I can.


American soy milk tastes like crap. You want the good kind? Get some from some Chinese stores. <3 If not they suck and taste terrible. -Adores skim milk-
We have... Silk. It's... ew. I like soy lattes though. Prolly because I'll drink, like, anything with a teensy bit of coffee in it. >.>
Coffee is win. Silk was pretty good. What flavor is it?
Chocolate. And... plain? It's white....ish. We have both. They both taste disgusting.
Plain was grody. Vanilla-flavor was okay.
Silk = Gross. Nasty stuff. Gah. Makes me want to upchuck.

The kind we have is soooo good. :D It's from a brand called, "Yeo" and it's sweetened. :DDD And fresh soy milk is amazing. Best. Thing. Ever.

Coffee makes so many things taste so good.
I liked Silk... though not the vanilla one, and some brand called "Soy Delicious"...

Why are the names so cheesy?
... I dunno.

Because the idiots who named it want to appeal to five year olds?
Haha, I don't like normal milk. Unless it's chocolate.


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