Why? Because I was blamed for the lovely chat thing on MX. So, pretty much they tried to nail me with every rule for Ning/MX in existence, and some they've hidden.
No worries, the mod's source later said that I wasn't, actually involved, but getting a PM like that near scared the crap out of me. Next time you guys go do something stupid, do so without trying to get other members involved legally, hm? I realized you guys dislike being banned and whatnot, but. . . . this is pretty freaking ridiculous. I'm not even sure if it's all cleared up, yet.
To their source - Get your damn info right, please. I'm having enough health problems right now, I don't need a heart attack on top of everything, kthx. >.>
Yeah. Well, eventually, I talked to Katy on TTS. But I pretty much got everything through you. But nothing's actually going to happen. And if something does happen, I'll be sure to draw attention to myself, because they hate you more and they're going to try and throw you under the bus, probably forgetting all about me. Which I don't want.