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Protect the flock! From JP and Hachette!

Besides posting on here and replying to this thread. Original credit for this goes back to Fate and Nathan on MX.

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Really? I remember reading something about 3-10 or so. . . .
Nah, I think I remember it being 8....

(My family seems to have a talent for getting out of sentences anyways. My mom just got out of like three years of prison, and just has to do a few hundred hours of service. I hope I inherited this talent.)
XD I hope I get that talent, too.
*nods* It'd be nice.

*imagines being in court for something like this...*

That'd be so interesting. You'd be there. I'd be there (because I'm not letting you take the blame for everything, dammit. >.>). Legally, both of our families would have to be there. And Katy. Genn'd probably be there too.

Oh God, that'd be quite the setup...
Is it just me or does it sound like the set up for a bad joke, or something?

It'd most certainly make the news, too. . . .
So would the heads of Hachette, prolly a Ning person, etc.
I know it certainly sounds miserable. I mean, me, you, both of our families, the mods, Hachette people, Ning people, all in the SAME room. Wow. Just... wow.

*wince* Yeah, it'd definitely make the news. Hopefully the media'd take our side. They love innocent little kids. We could totally win them over, two teenage girls up against a pack of bitchy middle-aged women.... the media'd like us, at least.

Not the kind of publicity Hachette'd want... but they deserve it, after publishing such garbage. TFW. Twilight. W&W. Yeah, they asked for it.
Psh, we'd just need a good story, too. How it helped balance life. If you got Miles to go with you or something, get that angle for the press, we'd seem like harmless, innocent kids. We'd so win them. Plus all Hachette would have would be 'I can't believe. . . ' we'd have our dazzling personalities, sob stories, etc. Can you define golden, better?

Meh, they prolly wouldn't mind any publicity.
XD That sounds so... easy. Possible.

Hachette wants to appeal to teens. Having this lawsuit happen, publicly, would be horrible for them. If the head rep has two brain cells that touch they'll just buy out the mods, do anything to keep it from happening.
XD It would be possible. Beyond possible.

Meh, the only way you could make it seem really bad to the teens would be with a good sob story. Preferably romantic, to get the teen girls. I mean. . . just regular publicity, they'd be able to easily handle that with Twilight and all they'd turn it to something good/it wouldn't effect anything too much. They could make us look like the nut cases, which. . . doesn't do anything good for either side, but possibly let more kids enter the fandom feeling their child would be fine there.
How the hell would you get romance into this twisted ordeal, though?

...You know, I'm not really sure I want to know exactly where that fits in...
Publicity. The reason why it'd be kept low(er) key, and the only damage that could at all be done to Hachette. and because it's what the media/general public reacts to.

. . . unless you have another reason to bring it in. :D
That's not exactly what I was asking. But yeah.

*rolls eyes* You're never gonna give this up, are you? (Also, this reminded me, I saw your comment on Laura's post. Yeah, they are.)


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