Maximum Ride Unofficial Community

Protect the flock! From JP and Hachette!

Besides posting on here and replying to this thread. Original credit for this goes back to Fate and Nathan on MX.

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FB for please?
*fails* I'm there now?
Why hello Omega.

I forget, is it a Saturday for you?
Yes it is.
Omg, Flying.

We haven't talked since like... Monday or Tuesday or something terrible like that.

Darn you timezones and school!
Hey, Xuut!

Monday, I think. It's truly dreadful, I feel like I've hardly talked to anyone from here.

How are you?
O.o Has it been that long...? Well the nearest break I have is in March so I think we're going to have to compromise with weekends. >.> For now.

Pretty good. I went to this weird outdoor survival thing at school and didn't die, so I'm pretty successful. Although looking back at seventh grade, I can honestly say we weren't such arrogant, childish, jerks who needed a serious lesson of when to shut up. Also they ask a bunch of dumb questions. I don't like them much...

Anyways, how about you?
I honestly don't know, but that was the last time I was on at a semi-decent hour for you, so probably.

Fun though? We used to have one of those, but a bunch of girls got lost, without their food supply, and so they cancelled it.

I'm good. Busy. Mostly with stupid homework (I swear I've done more of it in the past week than in the last three years combined D: Then again, I don't think I did /any/ homework in the last three years....), and then everything else picks up again when you get back to school as well.
Yes... I've been trying not to screw my sleep system too much.

Oh yeah. I was freezing since my gloves sucked but it was fun. O.o I don't think we could do that... We were all within shouting distance of each other.

Gah, homework. I can understand how gruesome it might be. -Offers cookies- And the weight of it all is horrible.
Killing time before my appointment later :\
Hanging around TTS, waiting to go to the lacrosse game later.
Feeling rather bored.


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