Maximum Ride Unofficial Community

Protect the flock! From JP and Hachette!

Besides posting on here and replying to this thread. Original credit for this goes back to Fate and Nathan on MX.

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Although it's not morning for me.. for from it, G'morning Flying.

Early for you?

-Needs to figure out these over sea time zones-
Uh, it was a bit before seven. Early enough on a Sunday, without any morning obligations.

Just take nine hours, plus a day.
Wow... I only wake up that early on weekends is if I passed out really early the day before. >.>

Oooh. Alright. That works.Or just add three...
See, that'd be smart. I sometimes randomly wake up really early and can't get back to sleep.

O.O You.... can just add three hours. That's /so/ much simpler. I'm an idiot. I should've thought of that months ago.
It feels like summer.

Like, I keep reaching up to the back of my neck to de-tangle my bikini string from my hair. And there's nothing there...Shut up. It's California. You have a bikini under your clothing, during the summer, at all times.

One bad thing I've noticed about habitually not sleeping enough: You don't get that nice "new day" feeling. You don't get the fresh start feeling, or the feeling that it's a new day, after sleeping. It's like one loooong stretch of time with no breaks or beginning or end.

So, sleeping for like 8 hours was nice/weird. XD
It feels like spring here. *is mournful*

Is your hair caught on something, or what? XD
I love Spring.

XD No, but it's just compulsive... every few minutes, I reach up to detangle it. It's not tangled in anything...
Me too. Which is why the fact that it's only February depresses me.

*laughs* Niiiice.
Writers block.

Can I help with the writer's block?

As for's snowing again! I have chores to do! I'm sick! My mom's yelling at me for typing while she's talking!
Psh, like you aren't normally?


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