Maximum Ride Unofficial Community

Protect the flock! From JP and Hachette!

Besides posting on here and replying to this thread. Original credit for this goes back to Fate and Nathan on MX.

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I'm going out to breakfast with meh fatha today.
I'm in the mood for a giant bacon omelet. :D

EDIT- My flight to Baltimore's been canceled... O.O
Fuck fuck.
At least we aren't presenting the first day...

Estoy enojada.
Lying in bed postponing getting up. Even though I'm wicked hungry.
Hoping somebody is online because I'm just that lazy to not check

Hi! Got banned from TTS yesterday >.>
That sucks. Why?

I was Mudkip/Kipperz/Bamboo Stick/Sketch/Angel of Awesome/Queen of Waffles/The Food Thread Girl
. . .you got banned for being underage?
How'd they find out about that? That. . .really sucks. *offers tea*

Dude! I thought you were like three different people!
*does not want tea but takes anyway*

I posted it on my page. I don't really care I got banned though.

Nope, one. Under about a million different names and pictures.
. . . you posted it on your page? o.o

There are so many other. . . . . -sigh- That really sucks. Did the mods not like you, or something? Usually they let it slide . . . .
The Mods hate us.

A lot.

If they want to ban us, they will. For some stupid reason or other.


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