Maximum Ride Unofficial Community

Protect the flock! From JP and Hachette!

Besides posting on here and replying to this thread. Original credit for this goes back to Fate and Nathan on MX.

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They walk among us....

Er, the idea that somebody on here is a snitch.


The mods lurk here.

Both are possible, probable even. You posted your name, or that you'd be making an alter, on here.
*pokes Megan* Your the snitch aren't you?
Yes, I am. *nods*

I got myself in a bunch of trouble, too, to make it more convincing. *nods* Though, I would be a damn valuable snitch for the mods...
I would hope nobody's a snitch. :3

Oh, I bet the mods do lurk here, though. That's really, really aggravating.
They have people who send them screencaps from this site. We have proof of that. >.<' They also have many informants on many sites. . . . this site is NOT safe. Trust me. Gave Fishy and I a nice load of trouble a few months ago, too. >.>
No kidding. >.>
*shifty eyes*

*feeds ducks at the Thames river*
Psh, yeah, like you'd be the one to snitch to the mods about alters.
Fishy... you DO remember how freaked out everyone was about that theory right?

But it still makes a good point...
Yes, Xuut. Do you remember how freaked out I was about that theory? But it fit...

The revolving door of freaked outness.

Which why I still think it was something the mods set up to freak us out. Which therefore makes me sounds like the snitch. >.>

It just depends on how paranoid you really are...
Which... yes, it makes you more likely to snitch, but it ALSO makes us less likely to care. It's less of a risk, the less we know you.

Regardless, I don't personally think you're the snitch. Or know for sure that there is one in the first place. *shrugs*


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