Maximum Ride Unofficial Community

Protect the flock! From JP and Hachette!

Besides posting on here and replying to this thread. Original credit for this goes back to Fate and Nathan on MX.

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*knew enough Spanish to pass the class before taking the class*
Listening to a Johnathan Coulton song.

Feeling relieved that I actually sat down and managed to THINK for two hours straight.

Crushed that we had school today despite snow and the fact that surrounding counties were sent back home.

Happy that I finally decided on a portfolio topic.
According to Facebook, I should marry Jude Law.

But he belongs to Robert Downey Jr....
We'll share. XD
I love this fic. *happy dance*

Yes, this was necessary to mention.
Oh. Er. I'm working on RC, which is the fic in question that's making me all squee right now. Because dammit, Roland is far too much fun. He's such a sweetie :3
*giggles* Don't you love it when your own writing makes you squee? It feels so arrogant-but I'm normally so harsh on myself that it's amazing for me to actually enjoy something.
I just haven't been able to write properly for a very long time, so I'm just like "I can write! omg squee :D :D"

That, and if these characters didn't make me a little squee anyway, I'd have given up the fic a long time ago.
Yeah, we all need to write more.

Hahaha, Jeb is the only thing that could possibly convince me to read any more of the books.
Yes. Fuck yes. I just got that feeling....( : ( : ( : Figured out the perfect friggin' metaphor that ties that last scene together. Fuck yes.

Yeah, I'm really happy now ( ;


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